My last days in Phnom Penh started well. During waiting on my Vietnamese visa I was still enjoying my friends and the city. I took another Taekwon-do training and helped Chivorn with his group of students during one Sunday afternoon. In the evening we took a Khmer dinner with the […]
Vážení přiznivci a přátelé Taekwon-do, dovolte mi podělit se s vámi o pozoruhodný příběh mladého člena Taekwon-do rodiny z mozambického Maputa, který i přes svůj handicap dosáhl pozoruhodných výsledků a je vzorem svému okolí. Fenias se narodil před 22 lety s handicapem krátké nevyvinuté končetiny a žije se svou matkou […]
After the arrival to the airport I filled visa form, paid 30 USD (25,80 EUR) and got a nice one-side sticker in my brand new passport. The administration took just 10 minutes and I was out of the airport building where my old Taekwon-do friend Chivorn Pal and his students […]
During my visit of Phnom Penh city in Cambodia I had the opportunity to to train with local team and few friends that I met on World Championships in the past. After arrival on 31st October I was welcomed by Chivorn Pal, Siesung Tang and Vannsak Lim at the airport. […]
V začátcích letních měsíců oslovil Michala Košátka, mistra světa 2005 a několikanásobného evropského šampiona minulých let, Taekwon-do ITF klub v hlavním městě Grónska, Nuuku, s žádostí o uspořádání třítýdenního tréninkového soustředění zaměřeného na sportovní boj. Termín byl stanoven na období od 19. srpna do 7. září 2010. Tréninky probíhaly každodenně […]
Next year of Budo Meeting, already 11th, took place in Zürich, Switzerland on 31 November, 2009. The budo show offered amazing martial art tricks including fights, free style shows, acrobatics, Chinese dragons, self-defense against weapons and several attackers. All the event was managed by Master Hwa Chin Yaw. Among the […]
I would like to thank all the guys (Michal, Lukas, Jan, Jan, Roman) for organising such a fantastic, highly skilled, well organised and well run camp. The trainings where well thought out and well prepared, we had a schedule so we knew exactly what discipline we would be training for […]
During July and August 2008 the world-known NHL hockey players Pavel Kubina from Toronto Maple Leafs, Rostislav Olesz from Florida Panthers hockey team and their personal condition trainer Igor Horyl came to Czech Republic to visit families and to continue with their trainings as a preparation for their next […]
First year of international training camp of Korean martial art Taekwon-do ITF took place in south-bohemian town of Třeboň under the title Czech Summer Challenge between 27th July and 3rd August 2008. First training started on Saturday evening and continued next days in three-phase trainings. Whole event was organized by […]
From July 27th to August 3rd, 2008 Michal Košátko, Lukáš Vaněk, Jan Mraček and Jan Klaška organized 1st Czech Summer Challenge training camp in small town Třeboň in southern part of Bohemia. During the event nobody was afraid of hair colouring. This is the tradition only for Czech team and […]
This year as well as in the last years the world famous NHL hockey player Pavel Kubina prepared a set of 3 exhibition charity football matches with famous hockey players, football players, trainers and several famed faces of Czech sport. The first and second matches took part in the town […]
At the end of May, the 14th Junior and 23rd Senior European Championship of Taekwon-do ITF took place in Croatian city Poreč. Czech National Team came to show its quality and assured all people that we are still on the top in Europe as well as in the world. Czech […]
On March 27th, 2008 Michal Košátko was awarded the best district sportsman of 2007. It was the sixth award in a row for Michal since 2002.
On March 7th, 2008 Michal Košátko was awarded among 10 best regional sportsman of 2007. The cermenony took place in the house of culture in Ostrava. Among the guest we could have seen famous faces of Czech showbusiness, musicians Dalibor Janda, Pavel Dobeš and Heidi Janků. The regional hetman Evžen […]
Czech national team is one of the most successful teams in Taekwon-do ITF on European as well as World Championships and also the first one who has beaten DPR Korea team in patterns in the whole Taekwon-do history. Therefore we would like to offer you a unique opportunity to participate […]
From 2nd to 4th November the Czech Republic Championship 2007 took place in Třeboň the south-bohemian town. During last year team of Frýdek-Místek Taekwon-do ITF School prepared themself for this important event to reach the top and be between 3 best Schools in Czech Republic. Michal Košátko was one of […]
From April 26th to 30th, 2007 the 15th Senior World Championship took part. This year Slovenia was chosen as a holding country, and the event took place in Bled. Czech national squad was leaving on April 24th and at the same day all the Czech competitors passed the weighing test. […]
After participation at Prof. Chang Ung Cup in Scotland and at Nordic Cup in Finland Michal Košátko is the highest point rating person in Greenlandic classification of this year. Although Michal represented Czech Republic at Prof. Chang Ung Cup he was also supported by Greenlandic sponsors. From Greenlandic angle it […]