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Years 2010 – 2009
Košátko is training in Nuuk (Czechia, October 2010)
Czech man in Greenland (Czechia, October 2010)
Košátko is training in Nuuk (Czechia, October 2010)
Years 2008 – 2005
Michal does Taekwon-do for his well being and health (Finland, March 2008)
Michal does Taekwon-do for his well being and health (Finland, March 2008)
Michal does Taekwon-do for his well being and health (Finland, March 2008)
10 best sportsmen of Moravian-Silesian Region (Czech Republic, 2007)
Taekwon-do ITF behind the polar circle (Czech Republic, February 2007)
World Championship 2005 (Regional newspaper, Spring 2006)
European Championship 2006 (Source Executive Recruitment – Legal & Finance, Autumn 2006)
The best district sportsmen of 2004 (Czech Republic, March 25th, 2005)
World Champions came back from Australia (Czech Republic, August 2005)
World Champions came back from Australia (Czech Republic, July 2005)
World Championship 2005 (Figher’s Magazine, September – October 2005)
World Championship 2005 (Figher’s Magazine, September – October 2005)
World camp Czech Summer Challenge (Czechia, 2007)
Arena of Gladiators: Michal Košátko has become Moravian Champion (Czech Republic, February 24th, 2005)
Košátko became a Moravian Master (Czech Republic, 2005)
European Championship 2005 (Fighter’s Magazine, June 2005)
Michal Košátko is World Champion (Czech Republic, 2005)
Michal Košátko získal velký pás pro vítěze Arény gladiátorů!!! (Czech Republic, February 2005)
Michal Košátko získal velký pás pro vítěze Arény gladiátorů!!! (Czech Republic, February 2005)
Přítelkyni momentálně nemám, jen milion skvělých kamarádek! (Czech Republic, 2005)
Přítelkyni momentálně nemám, jen milion skvělých kamarádek! (Czech Republic, 2005)
Přítelkyni momentálně nemám, jen milion skvělých kamarádek! (Czech Republic, 2005)
Přítelkyni momentálně nemám, jen milion skvělých kamarádek! (Czech Republic, 2005)
Michal Košátko se stal Mistrem světa!!! (Czech Republic, July 2005)
Životní úspěch jednoho velkého taekwondisty… (Czech Republic, July 2005)
Mistři světa se vrátili z Austrálie (Czech Republic, August 2005)
Mistři světa se vrátili z Austrálie (Czech Republic, August 2005)
Dobročinná akce v Hornickém muzeu OKD (Czech Republic, December 2005)
BarboRadování inspirovalo sirotky (Czech Republic, December 2005)
BarboRadování inspirovalo sirotky (Czech Republic, December 2005)
Mistr Hwange ve Frýdku-Místku (Czech Republic, March 2005)
International Martial Arts Games 2 (DPRK, September 2006)
International Martial Arts Games 2 (DPRK, September 2006)
International Martial Arts Games 2 (DPRK, September 2006)
Trénink v severské zemi (Finland, December 2006)
Press release for Michal Kosatko, II dan ITF Taekwon-Do, member of the Czech National Team (Finland, December 2006)
Press release for Michal Kosatko, II dan ITF Taekwon-Do, member of the Czech National Team (Finland, December 2006)
Závodní a tréninkové akce s grónským týmem (Finland, March 2007)
15th ITF World Senior Taekwon-do Championship 2007 – Individual Male Pattern 2nd Degree (Slovenia, 2007)
15th ITF World Senior Taekwon-do Championship 2007 – Individual Male Sparring -85 kg (Slovenia, 2007)
Jedenáct nejlepších sportovců okresu za uplynulý rok dostalo ocenění (Czech Republic, April 2008)
Mistrovství Evropy 2008 (Croatia, 2008)
Mistrovství Evropy 2008 (Croatia, 2008)
Years 2004 – 1993
Boxers in Frýdek-Místek (Czech Republic)
Competitors from Frýdek-Místek took part on European Championship (Czech Republic, April 1999)
Czech Republic Championship 1999 (Czech Republic, November 1999)
Czech Taekwon-do ITF on the top (Czech Republic, May 2000)
Czech Taekwon-do ITF on the top (Czech Republic, May 2000)
European Championship 2003 (Czech Republic, 2003)
European medals goes to Frýdek-Místek (Czech Republic, 2000)
Frýdek-Místek Taekwon-do ITF School has become the most successful one (Czech Republic, February 12th, 2001)
Frýdek-Místek team reigned in Taekwon-do ITF (Czech Republic, March 2000)
International success in Taekwon-do ITF (Czech Republic, March 25th, 2002)
Moravian Championship 2004 (Czech Republic, 2004)
Next Taekwon-do ITF member on the World Championship (Czech Republic, October 2000)
Success of Frýdek-Místek School (Czech Republic, May 2000)
Taekwon-do ITF Frýdek-Místek members in Italia (Czech Republic, October 2000)
Taekwon-do ITF competitions before the Championship (Czech Republic, October 18th, 1998)
Taekwon-do ITF members are very successful (Czech Republic, 2001)
Taekwon-do ITF members extend their medal collection (Czech Republic, November 2nd, 1999)
Taekwon-do ITF members gained next points (Czech Republic, September 23th, 2000)
Taekwon-do ITF members won 4 gold medals (Czech Republic, January 23th, 2000)
Taekwon-do ITF members won 4 gold medals (Czech Republic, January 23th, 2000)
Taekwon-do ITF team scores at home as well as abroad (Czech Republic, 2002)
Taekwon-do ITF: Titles from European Championship (Czech Republic, May 2004)
Talented Taekwon-do ITF youth from Frýdek-Místek (Czech Republic, 2000)
The most successful district sportsmen of 2003 are already known (Czech Republic, March 29th, 2004)
The pupils and students were appreciated by the city (Czech Republic, April 2000)
The top of season in Taekwon-do ITF (Czech Republic, October 2002)
Three medals of Michal Kosatko from World Taekwon-do ITF Championship (Czech Republic, June 2003)
Unique record in Taekwon-do ITF (Czech Republic, September 2001)
Victory in DPR Korea is the top in the meantime (Czech Republic, September 2004)
Young Taekwon-do ITF members was winning again (Czech Republic, September 2001)
Young Taekwon-do ITF members won 4 titles (Czech Republic, May 2004)
Phenomenal success in kickboxing (Czech Republic, June 2004)
Fenomenální úspěch! Michal Košátko pravdu vyřídil všechny suopeře v semi- i fullcontactu! (Czech Republic, June 2004)
German Open 2002 (Germany, March 2002)
International Martial Arts Games (DPRK, May 2004)
International Martial Arts Games (DPRK, May 2004)
Mezi 10 nejuspěšnějšími sportovci i taekwon-dista ITF! (Czech Republic, March 2003)
Přípravné utkání s Brnem (Czech Republic, February 2002)
Reportáž Michala Košátka z Mistrovství Evropy (Bulgaria, May 2004)
Reportáž Michala Košátka z Mistrovství Evropy (Bulgaria, May 2004)
Týden bratrů Košátkových! (Czech Republic, March 2004)
Utkání Polsko – ČR – Švédsko – Ukrajina (Czech Republic, March 2002)