Photogallery International competitions With Pu Song Min from DPRK (World Championship 2005, Australia) Team sparring against Moldova (World Championship 2007, Slovenia) With Alexey Mineev from Russia (European Championship 2006, Greece) Getting ready for sparring (International Martial Arts Games 2004, DPRK) Best competitor (European Championship 2006, Greece) Frýdek-Místek Taekwon-do School squad (World Championship 2005, Australia) Patterns agains Alexey Mineev from Russia (World Championship 2005, Australia) Bronze medal in 2nd Degree patterns (World Championship, Australia, July 2005) Only one non-Korean gold medal won by Michal Košátko (International Martial Arts Games 2004, DPRK) Satisfied winner (World Championship 2005, Australia) Gold medal in patterns II Dan (Prof. Chang Ung Cup 2007, Scotland) Czech-Greenlandic squad in Edinburgh (Prof. Chang Ung Cup 2007, Scotland) With Pu Song Min from DPRK; bronze medal for Michal Košátko in sparring -78 kg (World Championship 2003, Greece) Patterns (Slovenia Open 2008, Slovenia) Only one non-Korean gold medal won by Michal Košátko (International Martial Arts Games 2004, DPRK) Best competitor (European Championship 2006, Greece) Team meeting before the competition (European Championship 2005, Ireland) Sparring – 85 kg against Rory de Vries (World Championship 2007, Slovenia) Awarding for team patterns (World Championship 2007, Slovenia, April 2007) With Jan Mraček (International Martial Arts Games 2006, DPRK) Side kick at the sea (World Championship 2005, Australia) Interview for Japanese TV (World Championship 2005, Australia) Sparring (Prof. Chang Ung Cup 2007, Scotland) With Hendry Bloks from the Netherland (European Championship 2006, Greece) World Champion in sparring -78 kg (World Championship 2005, Australia) Sparring against Gerd Hummel from SA (International Martial Arts Games 2004, DPRK) Historical winning over DPRK in team patterns (World Championship 2007, Slovenia) National competitions Reverse turning kick, regional competition 2002, Czechia Winning of 1st round in thaibox fight; Czechia, 2005 Brothers Michal and Radek Košátko, Czech Republic Championship 2007, Czechia After final by K1 rules (2005, Czechia) Sparring against Přemysl Štola (Regional competition 2002, Czechia) Final by K1 rules (2005, Czechia) Nopi chagi kick 2.6 meters high (Czech Republic) Patterns against Jan Jursa, regional competition 2002, Czechia Exhibition match during muay thai competition (Frýdek-Místek, Czechia) Exhibition match during muay thai competition (Frýdek-Místek, Czechia) Sparring against Jiří Teslík (Republic competition 2003, Czechia) Final by K1 rules (2005, Czechia) Trainings Michal Košátko and students from Helsinki (2006, Finland) Training with IBM colleagues (2011, Czechia) Training with IBM colleagues (2011, Czechia) Michal Košátko and students from Helsinki (2006, Finland) Training with NHL player Pavel Kubina (2008, Czechia) Training with IBM colleagues (2011, Czechia) Training with IBM colleagues (2011, Czechia) Training with IBM colleagues (2011, Czechia)