I would like to thank all the guys (Michal, Lukas, Jan, Jan, Roman) for organising such a fantastic, highly skilled, well organised and well run camp. The trainings where well thought out and well prepared, we had a schedule so we knew exactly what discipline we would be training for […]
czech republic
On March 27th, 2008 Michal Košátko was awarded the best district sportsman of 2007. It was the sixth award in a row for Michal since 2002.
Czech national team is one of the most successful teams in Taekwon-do ITF on European as well as World Championships and also the first one who has beaten DPR Korea team in patterns in the whole Taekwon-do history. Therefore we would like to offer you a unique opportunity to participate […]
From 2nd to 4th November the Czech Republic Championship 2007 took place in Třeboň the south-bohemian town. During last year team of Frýdek-Místek Taekwon-do ITF School prepared themself for this important event to reach the top and be between 3 best Schools in Czech Republic. Michal Košátko was one of […]
On March 29th, 2007 Michal Košátko was awarded the best district sportsman 2006. It is the 5th award in a row Michal is receiving since 2002.
Ve dnech od 16. února do 5. března 2007 byl Mistr světa – Michal Košátko pozván grónským národním týmem pod vedením slečny Rity Helme k účasti na několika závodních a tréninkových akcích do Skotska, Norska a Finska. V prvních dnech se Michal účastnil Poháru Profesora Chang Unga ve skotském Edinburghu. […]
On March 6th, 2007 Michal Košátko was awarded the best regional sportsman 2006. The event started in the evening at 6 pm in culture house of Ostrava and lasted for next 4 hours. During the tendering we could meet regional hetman Evžen Tošenovský, famous TV faces, and several famous sportsmen […]