Suma sumárum Navštívit Kambodžu stojí určitě za to. Ještě před cestou jsem na internetu našel několikrát, že lidé se zde stále smějí. Je to tak. Úsměvy uvidíte na každém kroku a lidé jsou příjemní, zvídaví a přátelští. Spolu s nízkými cenami za ubytování, jídlo i cestování se jedná o krásnou […]
Monthly Archives: November 2017
My last days in Phnom Penh started well. During waiting on my Vietnamese visa I was still enjoying my friends and the city. I took another Taekwon-do training and helped Chivorn with his group of students during one Sunday afternoon. In the evening we took a Khmer dinner with the […]
The journey from Siem Reap back to Phnom Penh took a while but was smooth and with no issue. The bus stopped 2 km from my hostel but I felt already comfortable in the city and did not need any tuktuk, enjoying a walk through the streets that were even […]
Vážení přiznivci a přátelé Taekwon-do, dovolte mi podělit se s vámi o pozoruhodný příběh mladého člena Taekwon-do rodiny z mozambického Maputa, který i přes svůj handicap dosáhl pozoruhodných výsledků a je vzorem svému okolí. Fenias se narodil před 22 lety s handicapem krátké nevyvinuté končetiny a žije se svou matkou […]
On November 4th, in the evening I came by a comfy bus to Siem Reap. The city itself is a capital of Siem Reap Province and a popular resort for visiting Angkor region. The weather was cloudy and also the forecast for next days announced constant rain. For a guy […]
After the arrival to the airport I filled visa form, paid 30 USD (25,80 EUR) and got a nice one-side sticker in my brand new passport. The administration took just 10 minutes and I was out of the airport building where my old Taekwon-do friend Chivorn Pal and his students […]
During my visit of Phnom Penh city in Cambodia I had the opportunity to to train with local team and few friends that I met on World Championships in the past. After arrival on 31st October I was welcomed by Chivorn Pal, Siesung Tang and Vannsak Lim at the airport. […]