Europe Greenland 2010 in pictures by Michal|Published January 25, 2010-Updated June 24, 2023 On the way to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland On the way to Kangerlussuaq, Greenland On the way from Kangerlussuaq to Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nuuk, Greenland Nanook concert in Nuuk, Greenland Michal Košátko in Nuuk, Greenland Kangerlussuaq, Greenland Kangerlussuaq, Greenland Kangerlussuaq, Greenland In front of the sport hall, Nuuk, Greenland
Published April 11, 2007 Michal Košátko leads Greenlandic score chart After participation at Prof. Chang Ung Cup in Scotland and at Nordic Cup in Finland Michal Košátko is the highest point rating […]
Published September 13, 2010 Michal Košátko trénuje grónský tým v Nuuku V začátcích letních měsíců oslovil Michala Košátka, mistra světa 2005 a několikanásobného evropského šampiona minulých let, Taekwon-do ITF klub v hlavním městě […]